Sex Therapy

Unlocking Intimacy and Healing

Sex therapy is a specialized field that aims to address and resolve various sexual concerns individuals or couples may face. It offers a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore and enhance their sexual lives. Through open dialogue, comprehensive assessment, and tailored interventions, sex therapy aims to tackle a range of concerns related to sexual functioning, desire, intimacy, and relationship dynamics. Sex therapy is not solely focused on treating sexual dysfunction. It also serves as a platform for personal growth, empowerment, and establishing healthy sexual boundaries. Through the therapeutic process, individuals and couples gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their sexuality, fostering increased self-acceptance and improved overall satisfaction with their intimate lives.

Sex Therapy Can Help With…

  • Low libido or desire discrepancies

  • Sexual orientation or identity exploration

  • Couples experiencing sexual dissatisfaction

  • Communication issues around sexual needs and desires

  • Sexual trauma or abuse recovery

  • Sexual anxiety or performance anxiety

  • Sexual response disorders

  • Impact of medical conditions on sexual health

  • Exploration of kinks, fetishes, or alternative sexual lifestyles

  • Menstruation, Menopause, and Hormonal Cycles

  • Navigating Sex Work

What to Expect During a Couples Sex Therapy Session

During sex therapy sessions, the therapist takes a compassionate and non-judgmental approach, fostering an atmosphere of trust and understanding. The initial assessment phase may include discussing the individual's sexual history, relationship dynamics, and psychological factors that might impact sexual functioning. This comprehensive understanding helps the therapist tailor an effective treatment plan to meet the unique needs of the individual or couple.

Sex therapy utilizes a variety of techniques and approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, education, mindfulness, and communication exercises, depending on the specific goals and concerns of the individual. Sessions often focus on improving communication skills, addressing performance anxieties, enhancing body image and self-esteem, exploring fantasies and desires, and promoting overall sexual well-being. This approach allows partners to openly discuss their sexual concerns, expectations, and desires in a supportive environment. Couples may learn effective communication techniques, develop strategies to rekindle desire, and collaborate on fostering a satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationship.

What to Expect During an Individual Sex Therapy Session

Individual sex therapy is a confidential and supportive space where individuals can explore and address concerns related to their sexual well-being. During these sessions, clients can expect to discuss a wide range of topics, including sexual function, desire, fantasies, communication, and any challenges or anxieties related to sexuality. The therapist will create a non-judgmental environment to facilitate open and honest conversations about the individual's sexual history, experiences, and goals. Goals may include enhancing sexual satisfaction, addressing performance anxiety, navigating sexual identity or orientation, and overcoming past traumas. Sex therapists often use a combination of talk therapy, education, and specific exercises tailored to the individual's needs to help them develop a healthier and more fulfilling sexual life.

Additionally, clients can anticipate that individual sex therapy sessions may delve into exploring gender identity and sexual orientation. The therapist will create a space for individuals to navigate their feelings and experiences related to gender expression, identity, and any associated challenges or questions. Discussions about sexual orientation may involve exploring feelings of attraction, understanding one's sexual identity, and addressing any concerns or societal pressures that may impact a person's sense of self. In doing so, the therapist aims to provide support and guidance for individuals on their journey towards self-discovery and the alignment of their sexual and gender identities with their overall well-being. This inclusive approach recognizes the diversity of human experiences and ensures that sex therapy is tailored to the unique needs and concerns of each individual.

10 Benefits of Sex Therapy

  1. Improved Sexual Communication: Sex therapy facilitates open and honest communication about sexual desires, preferences, and concerns between partners.

  2. Enhanced Intimacy: It helps couples deepen their emotional and physical connection, leading to increased intimacy and satisfaction.

  3. Addressing Sexual Dysfunction: Sex therapy provides guidance and strategies to address sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or low libido.

  4. Exploration of Sexual Identity: Individuals and couples can explore and understand their sexual identities in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

  5. Overcoming Trauma: For those who have experienced sexual trauma, sex therapy offers a safe space to work through trauma and its impact on sexual well-being.

  6. Education on Sexual Health: Sex therapists provide valuable information on sexual health, contraception, and safe practices to promote overall well-being.

  7. Managing Differences in Desire: Couples with differing levels of sexual desire can learn strategies to navigate and balance their needs and preferences.

  8. Rediscovering Pleasure: Sex therapy helps individuals and couples rediscover the pleasure of sexual intimacy, focusing on positive and fulfilling experiences.

  9. Coping with Relationship Stressors: Sex therapy addresses how relationship issues can impact sexual satisfaction and provides tools to manage stressors effectively.

  10. Promoting Body Positivity: Sex therapy contributes to a positive body image by encouraging self-acceptance and embracing one's body in the context of sexual experiences.


“Love Meets Therapy” does not receive any benefits or financial compensation for recommending these resources.

Books to Read for Sex Therapy

  • "The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships & Other Adventures" by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy

  • "Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life" by Emily Nagoski

  • "The Guide to Getting It On" by Paul Joannides

  • "Sexual Intelligence: What We Really Want from Sex—and How to Get It" by Marty Klein

  • "She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman" by Ian Kerner

  • "Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence" by Esther Perel

  • "The Erotic Mind: Unlocking the Inner Sources of Passion and Fulfillment" by Jack Morin

  • "Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships" by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá

  • "Healing Sex: A Mind-Body Approach to Healing Sexual Trauma" by Staci Haines

  • "The Sex-Starved Marriage: Boosting Your Marriage Libido: A Couple's Guide" by Michele Weiner Davis

  • "Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good" by Adrienne Maree Brown

  • “Sex, God, and the Conservative Church: Erasing Shame from Sexual Intimacy" by Tina Schermer-Sellers