We Care.

Social Work means Social Care

At Love Meets Therapy, we stand as unwavering advocates and allies for diversity, inclusion, and social justice. We recognize and affirm the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals, irrespective of their sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, ability, or occupation, including those engaged in sex work. Our commitment to social justice extends beyond the therapy room, and we actively work towards fostering an environment that celebrates and uplifts the experiences of LGBTQIA individuals, BIPOC communities, those with disabilities, and sex workers.

We understand the unique challenges faced by these communities and are dedicated to creating a therapeutic space that is culturally competent, affirming, and free from discrimination. Our therapists undergo ongoing training to enhance their understanding of the intersections of identity and the impact of systemic inequalities on mental health. We strive to be allies by listening, learning, and amplifying the voices of marginalized communities.

As part of our commitment to social justice, we engage in continuous self-reflection, challenge biases, and advocate for policies that promote equality and inclusivity. We recognize that the fight for justice is ongoing, and we actively seek to dismantle oppressive structures while promoting empowerment, resilience, and well-being for all individuals. At Love Meets Therapy, we are dedicated to fostering a world where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued, embracing the richness that diversity brings to the tapestry of human experience.

What Are Your Rights?

In Washington State, clients seeking mental health services have specific rights designed to protect their well-being and ensure a positive therapeutic experience. Here is a list of client mental health rights in Washington State:

  1. Informed Consent: Clients have the right to be fully informed about the nature, purpose, and potential risks and benefits of any proposed mental health treatment.

  2. Confidentiality: Clients have the right to expect that information shared during therapy sessions will be kept confidential, with some exceptions as defined by law.

  3. Choice of Provider: Clients have the right to choose their mental health provider and be informed of any limitations on their choice.

  4. Quality of Care: Clients have the right to receive quality mental health care that meets professional standards.

  5. Respect and Dignity: Clients have the right to be treated with respect, dignity, and cultural sensitivity.

  6. Access to Records: Clients have the right to access their mental health records and request corrections as needed.

  7. Complaint Procedures: Clients have the right to be informed about the procedures for making complaints about their mental health services and providers.

Causes We Care About

Below is a list of causes that hold deep significance to us and how you can become involved in supporting them too. We are committed to social responsibility and advocacy for positive change. We believe in the power of collective action and encourage you to join us in supporting these causes. Care about a cause that isn’t listed here? Email us and let us know how we can better support.

Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed constitutional amendment in the United States designed to guarantee equal rights regardless of gender. Although passed by Congress in 1972, it fell short of ratification by the required number of states within the initial deadline. To ratify the ERA, advocates call for the removal of the ratification deadline and resolution of legal questions surrounding the process, ensuring its formal inclusion in the U.S. Constitution and affirming gender equality as a fundamental principle of American law.

Legalize Natural Medicine

ADAPT Washington, a grassroots organization, is actively pushing for the legalization of natural medicine in the state. With a focus on holistic well-being, the organization advocates for policies that empower individuals to access and choose natural therapies. ADAPT Washington engages in community outreach and education to raise awareness about the benefits of natural medicine, aiming to create a supportive environment that recognizes these therapies as legitimate options for health and wellness.

Harm Reduction in Sex Work

The National Harm Reduction Coalition champions harm reduction in sex therapy, emphasizing safety, consent, and non-judgmental care. Through education and community engagement, they work to destigmatize discussions around sexuality, providing practitioners with evidence-based tools. The coalition's commitment aligns with creating a supportive and inclusive environment for individuals to address their sexual health needs with dignity.