Creating Accessible Mental Healthcare: Services Offered by Love Meets Therapy

At Love Meets Therapy (LMT), our mission is simple: to make relationships more compassionate through accessible mental healthcare. Navigating the maze of finding the right therapist can be daunting—trust me, I’ve been there. I remember my own journey through endless directories and consultations that felt more like interviews. It's this personal experience that fuels our commitment to providing clear, supportive, and human-centered mental health services. Here’s a closer look at what we offer and how we aim to make your journey towards healing just a bit easier.

Individual Therapy: A Journey Tailored to You

Let’s start with individual therapy. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, depression, or just the general stress of life, individual therapy can help you unpack your deeply woven patterns and find new paths forward for a more fulfilling life. Finding a therapist who truly understands and supports you on this journey can be life-changing.

I remember my first steps into therapy (almost two decades ago)—how intimidating it was to open up to a stranger about my deepest fears and anxieties. It took time to find someone who made me feel seen and heard. At LMT, we offer free initial consultations, so you can get a sense of whether a therapist feels like the right fit before committing to regular sessions.

Relationship Therapy: Navigating Partnership and Family Together

Relationships can be both incredibly rewarding and incredibly challenging. Couples therapy at LMT is about fostering better communication, understanding, and intimacy. Whether you’re navigating the early stages of a relationship or dealing with long-standing issues, a relationship therapist is there to help you and your partner reconnect and grow together.

In addition to traditional couples therapy, we also offer specialized support for ethically nonmonogamous (ENM) relationships. Navigating the complexities of polyamory and open relationships can bring unique challenges, and we are equipped with the understanding and skills to support you in creating healthy, respectful, and fulfilling connections.

I’ve worked with many couples who initially felt lost and disconnected. One couple, in particular, stands out—they came to therapy on the brink of separation. Through guided sessions, they learned to listen to each other without judgment, rediscovered shared values, and rebuilt their bond stronger than before. Seeing such transformations is why I’m passionate about couples therapy. It’s not about fixing people but helping them find their way back to each other.

Family therapy is another integral service we offer. Families are complex systems, and when one part of the system is out of balance, it affects everyone. Our family therapy sessions focus on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and creating a supportive environment for all family members.

Somatic Therapy: Healing Through the Body

At LMT, we understand that the body holds onto trauma just as much as the mind does. That's why all our services incorporate a somatic approach, whether it’s individual therapy or relationship therapy. Somatic therapy focuses on the mind-body connection, helping clients process and release trauma stored in their bodies.

I’ve seen clients experience profound breakthroughs by incorporating somatic techniques into their therapy. One client, struggling with anxiety, found immense relief through EMDR, which helped them process traumatic memories that traditional talk therapy hadn’t been able to touch. By addressing both the mind and body, we aim to offer holistic healing that acknowledges the full spectrum of human experience.

Workshops and Classes: Learning and Growing Together

In addition to traditional therapy, we offer workshops and classes that help you build skills and gain insights into your mental health. These sessions cover a range of topics, including mindfulness, stress management, and creative expression. They’re designed to be practical and empowering, providing you with tools you can use in your daily life.

I feel at home in mindfulness workshops and hope to create environments where others can feel a sense of home as well. Mindfulness has helped me stay present and manage stress more effectively. Attending mindfulness workshops weren’t always just about the skills, though—it was about connecting with others who were on the same journey, sharing tips, and supporting each other. 

Mental Health on the Mat: Yoga Practice for Your Body, Heart, and Mind

In addition to our therapy services, we also offer yoga classes that focus on mental health. Yoga is a powerful tool for integrating body, mind, and spirit. Our mental health-focused yoga classes are designed to help you cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being. These classes are suitable for all levels and are particularly beneficial for those dealing with anxiety, depression, and trauma.

I remember the first time I integrated yoga into my mental health routine. The combination of mindful movement, breath work, and meditation created a profound sense of balance and helped me release many previously blocked emotions. At LMT, our yoga classes incorporate therapeutic elements into each lesson, ensuring that you receive both physical and emotional benefits from your practice. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a complete beginner, our classes offer a supportive environment to explore the connection between your body, heart, and mind.

Our Commitment to Accessibility

One of the biggest barriers to accessing mental health care is cost. At LMT, we’re committed to making therapy affordable and accessible. We offer many tools and mental health resources for free and provide online therapy options. Our goal is to ensure that financial constraints don’t prevent you from getting the help you need. 

I’ve been there—struggling to afford therapy sessions while juggling other financial responsibilities. It’s a stressful and often discouraging experience. We strive to offer flexible options and work with you to find a solution that fits your budget. Everyone deserves access to quality mental health care, regardless of their financial situation.

The Journey of Finding the Right Therapist

Finding the right therapist is often a journey in itself. It can be overwhelming to sift through profiles, read reviews, and set up initial consultations. But it’s worth it when you find someone who truly understands and supports you.

I’ve had my share of frustrating experiences—therapists who didn’t seem to get me or approaches that just didn’t resonate. But I’ve also experienced the profound impact of finding the right therapist. Someone who made me feel seen, heard, and supported in ways I hadn’t before. At LMT, we’re here to help guide you through this process. We are always available to answer any questions you may have.


Exploring the Diversity of Non-monogamy: A Personalized Journey